A Room With a View

A Room With a View
St. John's Harbour

Saturday, May 21, 2011

For all of you who wanted to see my skinny self . . .
45 lbs lighter.
Along with my handsome husband, all ready for Casino Night at the Sheraton.
The journey continues as I am in week 3 of Tely 10 Training. Woo hoo!!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day . . .
Really enjoyed my Mother's Day this year. I always do. It's forever a blessing to be the mother of the three cutest boys in the world! :)
This morning I was pampered and enjoyed breakfast in bed. Of course, I had to share my strawberries with Caelan and then Carter. But that's what mothers do, right?
Then I came downstairs only to be surprised with some beautiful blue hydrangeas. The best part was spending the afternoon with my family having a fire and relaxing in the back yard. And I still have lobster to enjoy for supper!! Yum!!
Happy Mother's Day to all the special mothers I'm blessed to have in my life! My mom, my mom-in-law, my sisters and an abundance of friends! Hope your day was as pleasurable as mine!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Finally Spring!

Man, spring has been cold in Newfoundland! We're sooooo ready for some sun and warmth! Still, every opportunity we get to go outside, have a fire and roast weiners and marshmallows, we take advantage!! Today was one of those days.

Of course, a cloudy day is a perfect day for photos of my boys, too!! No matter what the weather, they're cutie pies!! At least I think so! :)