A Room With a View

A Room With a View
St. John's Harbour

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Daddy's Heart in Her Hands

A precious afternoon indeed at Tina B Photography today. Baby S is the star of the blog! And a star she was! She was asleep when she arrived and slept for pretty much the whole session with the exception of a few minutes right at the end so we could catch a glimpse of her beautiful, sparkling eyes. We couldn't have planned it better if we tried! Of course, when it comes to babies, planning is elusive. You do know they have complete and total control, right? I wonder if Daddy knows that yet? ;) This little darling has complete and total control over your heart, Chris. That was plain to see. I doubt you'll complain about that though.

And Amy, I have to say you are one of the most relaxed Mamas I have ever seen. And it's no wonder, Baby S is a joy! She actually seems totally relaxed herself. That doesn't come all by itself. I believe it is a testament to the wonderful job you're doing as parents. But, was there really any doubt . . .

Thank you so much for the privilege of allowing me to capture these moments today!

Here's your sneak peek! Hope you enjoy!

Cheers, Tina B

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Just Because We Love You, Mom

This afternoon's session with Tina B Photography spoke to me about the love of children for their mother. This handsome duo is Jordan and Kyle. They agreed to do this portrait session for their mom, Karen, as a Mother's Day present. 

I don't know too many young men who are DYING to have their pictures taken on a sunny Saturday afternoon. But they did if for their mom. That speaks volumes in my opinion. I think it's fair to say that you and your hubby have done a great job in raising these two.

I'll continue to look for your advice regarding the challenges of raising boys! :)

Hope you like the sneak peek! It was the fastest portrait session in history. ;)

Cheer! Tina B

You've Come a Long Way, Baby! :)

I was sooo looking forward to today's portrait session. The star of today's blog post is the lovely Kim. Recently convocated social worker, mom to a cutie patootie little girl and all around fun person that anyone would be lucky to know! I can say that because I got to know her for three months while she completed a field placement with my team and I at Mental Health and Addictions.

Kim's parents had requested some photos to commemorate her recent convocation so we definitely did that today. I, of course, saw it as an opportunity to have some fun, too! And Kim was game. Remember those "glamour shots" from the 80s? Well, we've come a long way, baby! It's glamour with a modern twist today!

And a portrait session on location at Tina B Photography is an exotic spot to be! We were even treated to a stroll by a mama and baby moose through the back yard! 

Kim, I know you're going to make an awesome social worker. That was quite obvious during our time we spent together.

Hope you like the sneak peek! 

Tina B

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Happily Ever After

What a gorgeous day in Newfoundland! And well deserved! It's been a long winter. Tina B got to spend part of her day with yet another beautiful family! It's easy to see they are a happy, loving trio. Musical, talented, and an oh so cute 2 year old. The most luminous blue eyes you've ever seen!

It was sooo special to finally meet T! I do believe you've found your happily ever after, Paula!

Thank you for allowing me to photograph your precious family. Believe me, before you know it you'll be looking back at these photos finding it hard to believe that T was ever that little! Cherish every moment. I know you are.

Here's your sneak peek! Couldn't wait to edit a couple of these shots!

Cheers, Tina B