A Room With a View

A Room With a View
St. John's Harbour

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Two Beauties

Whew! The last photo shoot of the season at Tina B Photography. It's time for Christmas to make its way to the Banfield house! :)

I've come to realize yet another one of the perks of this gig. I say it every time a gorgeous little girl comes to my studio! I get to see little girls all dressed up in their finest! I don't get to do that with three boys. How lucky am I?!

These two little darlings are no exception. They were just awesome this morning! Of course, the photos say it better than I ever could with words! Check out these two beauties!

Here's your sneak peak Karla and Greg! Hope you enjoy!

Have the merriest of Christmases! Cheers, Tina B

The Best Memories

Twas a busy day at Tina B Photography yesterday! Seems like every photo shoot is just more and more special every time!

Yesterday I had the privilege of photographing the children of my long time friend, Roxanne. Has it really been 23 years! I have the BEST memories of our very unique friendship! ;) One of my favourite was our road trip around the Burin Peninsula with the windows down singing our lungs out! And of course our stop to feel our toes in the sand. I have so many great memories.

Thank you for the blessing of allowing me to create some memories for you and your children with my camera. I don't know any other friendship where we can have a cup of tea after and feel like we picked up right where we left off! :)

Here's your sneak peek! I hope you enjoy!

I hope you all have the BEST Christmas!

Cheers, Tina B

Saturday, December 6, 2014

The Most Precious Gift

Did I not tell you that the MOST excitement was coming out of Tina B's tickle trunk today?! Just check out who visited my studio today! The man of the season himself - Santa! And have you ever seen a more adorable little darling? I can guarantee you she is on Santa's nice list this year!

Once again, how lucky am I to have such treasures in front of my camera lens?!
And how blessed are the family of this little one to have the most precious gift this year under the Christmas tree?

Here's your sneak peek! Hope you enjoy!

Merry Christmas, Tina B