A Room With a View

A Room With a View
St. John's Harbour

Saturday, July 25, 2015

70?! Really? Are You Sure?!

I'm writing a special post at Tina B Photography today!
It's the occasion of my dad's 70th birthday. I can't really believe it! You see, my dad seems WAY younger than 70. You'll know what I mean in a moment.

My dad is a special dad. He's always been an amazing father. He's also an amazing husband and was an amazing teacher. I'm willing to bet all of his former students would agree.

My father is gentle, loving, kind, generous, patient . . . I could go on and on. Not only have I experienced this as his daughter, but my children have also experienced it. They all adore their grandfather, even my 15 year old teenager! :)

Here are just a few photos to show you what I mean.

Always willing to pose for my camera, let me practice a technique or perfect a shot. :)

Never one to sit on the sidelines, but gets right in on all the action. :)

Strong! Even when six year olds are too tired to climb the sliding hill! :)

Willing to do just about anything to make a visit home memorable and fun including snowmobile rides, ice fishing and snowshoeing. And HE dug all those holes with an auger! 

Helpful in every way around the house. And man enough to wear an apron!

Patient and has all the time in the world for his grandchildren! He's not somewhere else when he's spending time with you. You have 100% of his attention!

Built in seating at a soccer game! :)

Loves to have fun! You have no idea the hats he's worn, figuratively and literally! :) One of my personal favourites was the Michael Jackson wig and sequinned hat! :)

The gentlest of touches for a tradition at our house when Nanny and Poppy Ball come to visit. The rubbing of faces at bedtime. Can you think of a better way to fall asleep? His wake up call when we were children was a gentle kiss on the cheek.

I'm so very proud of you dad and love you more than you can ever know. I can only hope that I have such a legacy when I'm 70. You've set the bar incredibly high! And yes, I can barely see the keyboard through my emotion and tears as I write this. 

All my love, Tina B 

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Brooklyn is One!

What a fun morning at Tina B Photography!
I swear it just gets more and more fun with each photo shoot.
You'll have to agree when you check out this cuteness overload!
I told you so! :)

Meet the beautiful Brooklyn! 
She's one year old and she celebrated today in fine style! 
There were even kisses for rubber ducky!
It was one of those sessions where you don't want to put your camera down.
And when you do finally put it down, you just wanna hang out and enjoy the fun.

Here's your sneak peek, Mommy and Daddy!

I hope you enjoy, cause I sure enjoyed capturing little Brooklyn having a blast!

Cheers, Tina B