A Room With a View

A Room With a View
St. John's Harbour

Sunday, January 16, 2011

What's a Little Storm?

You can always count on a good subject when you're photographing nature. Any time of the year. It's amazing how things can change from one day to the next. Or here in Newfoundland, from one minute to the next!

The picture below was taken one day in January when there was the tiniest bit of snow on the ground. There was no wind and the result was a perfect reflection in Windsor Lake.

A day or two later the first real snowfall of the season happened. What a difference a day makes as they say!

Of course, you know I have to apply that sentiment to life right? What a difference a day makes! So, don't worry too much if today is not the best of days. Who knows what could happen to make the next minute, the next hour or the next day a hundred times better. And besides, is a little storm really so bad! I believe there is good in everything and a reason for everything. We just have to find and learn the lessons that are sure to be there. How's that for a dose of philosophy today?