A Room With a View

A Room With a View
St. John's Harbour

Sunday, August 23, 2015

The Story of Our Life

Oh, what fun I had today at Tina B Photography!
One of the best things about capturing memories for people is the privilege of  getting to watch the story of their lives unfold!

Remember this magical maternity session?
It was such a perfect winter wonderland!

Then came a precious little bundle named Evan . . .
He was so tiny and loved to the moon and back!

6 months later and what a lucky lady I was 
to get to visit with Evan and his parents again today! 
What a difference 6 months makes! 
And what a rock star Evan was at his photo session today despite teething 
and not napping a wink on the drive here! 

So sweet! Loved my cuddles at the end, little Evan. 

Thank you for visiting me today!

Cheers, Tina B