A Room With a View

A Room With a View
St. John's Harbour

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Carter, 5 Years Old, Imagine!

We had a fabulous time at our house this past weekend! At least I did. I can't speak for anyone else. It was Carter's 5th birthday party and Halloween! Such fun!! Take a look!
One of the fun things we did at the party was decorate cupcakes. Many thanks to Auntie Pam for the yummy cake recipe!! It was a hit! As was the cupcake decorating! What do you think of Caelan's jellybean cupcake?

This one is Carter's finished product. Do you think one could fit anymore on top? lol

And take a look at Daddy's handiwork! Many a talent does he have!

And catching the action of blowing out candle # 5! I can hardly believe my little Carter is 5! He's so smart and funny and sweet! xoxo

Check out that mohawk! Carter's newest skill. He did it all himself. I think he looks stunning!

And is this not a scary looking mummy! Actually she's my "mummy." Otherwise known as Nanny Ball. Caelan is obviously getting quite a kick out of her.

And mummy #2. Big brother, Cody. Always ready to lend a helping hand and volunteered to be a mummy.

All in all, a fun and memorable day. Guess we should have stayed in Cowan Heights. Emylia Place is overrun with rats!!


  1. It was quite the day, rats and all!! LOL..Very well organized, just the right number of people in attendance, lots of fun, lots of grub. Couldn't ask for a better day!
    Tina your pictures prove that!
    Thanks for a good time!
    Love you all lotsssssssss,

  2. LOVE the rats! So cute... :) You're very welcome for the recipe. Wish I could have been there!!! XOXO
