A Room With a View

A Room With a View
St. John's Harbour

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Master of Social Work! Really?

Convocation 2011 with a Masters Degree in Social Work! Going back to Grade 9 when I decided to become a social worker, who would've thought I would go this far! Today has been a very special day!

I know my parents knew I would go far. And for that unfailing confidence in my abilities I thank them. I have to give them some of the credit. :) My Dad for being the special father that he is. My Mom for being the example of the dignity and worth of people. A core value of the social work profession.
And I also thank my husband for his 100% support. Working full time and caring for 3 active little boys while completing a university degree requires all the help one can get! xoxo
The proud moment! My biggest worry was that my hat was gonna fall off! Thankfully, it did not!
Now for some leisure reading! I forget how to do that I think!


  1. SO VERY proud of you Tina!! Always knew you would go far and excel in what you would put your mind and hands to, and on Friday you proved that again.
    Love, Congrats and best wishes as you use your skills in helping others.

  2. You know Dad is always proud of you!
