A Room With a View

A Room With a View
St. John's Harbour

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Getting Out of Your Own Way

I read an article yesterday about getting out of your own way. About stopping the self-sabotage in your life. This can apply to a lot of different areas of our life where we might have counterproductive habits. Staying up too late, procrastination, playing Candy Crush half the night . . .

The author suggested making a list of all the things I had to do tomorrow both small and large and then think about the bad habit I was trying to break. Do any of the activities on my to do list make me feel like engaging in my self-sabotaging behaviour? Then I was to look at each self-sabotage-inducing item on my list and ask myself the following three questions:

1. In a perfect life, would I do this thing at all?

2. If so, what would I change to make it more enjoyable?

3. If not, what would I rather do?

These types of questions inevitably always lead me right back to my photography. Self-sabotaging is the furthest thing from my mind when I'm looking at a beautiful scene and composing it in my mind's eye before I take a picture. I perk up, I'm relaxed, I'm in my element. I'm released from my cage and building my rat park (you had to be there and read the article! LOL)

Here are some of my caring for myself compassionately moments this past week!

Check out O magazine, February 2014 issue if you're interested in the article.


  1. Love! Enlightening post that a lot of people can relate to. Beautiful pictures taken by a beautiful person!
