A Room With a View

A Room With a View
St. John's Harbour

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Carter, 5 Years Old, Imagine!

We had a fabulous time at our house this past weekend! At least I did. I can't speak for anyone else. It was Carter's 5th birthday party and Halloween! Such fun!! Take a look!
One of the fun things we did at the party was decorate cupcakes. Many thanks to Auntie Pam for the yummy cake recipe!! It was a hit! As was the cupcake decorating! What do you think of Caelan's jellybean cupcake?

This one is Carter's finished product. Do you think one could fit anymore on top? lol

And take a look at Daddy's handiwork! Many a talent does he have!

And catching the action of blowing out candle # 5! I can hardly believe my little Carter is 5! He's so smart and funny and sweet! xoxo

Check out that mohawk! Carter's newest skill. He did it all himself. I think he looks stunning!

And is this not a scary looking mummy! Actually she's my "mummy." Otherwise known as Nanny Ball. Caelan is obviously getting quite a kick out of her.

And mummy #2. Big brother, Cody. Always ready to lend a helping hand and volunteered to be a mummy.

All in all, a fun and memorable day. Guess we should have stayed in Cowan Heights. Emylia Place is overrun with rats!!

Sunday, October 17, 2010


The last couple of weekends at my house have been all about creating. Avoiding laundry and creating! Here are some of the photos of some of the creations.

The above photo is of an arrangement by Tina B. All of the elements came from the backyard!! How cool is that?! Even the red checkered cloth left in the woods following Cody's birthday party in May.

Even got hubby in on the action. He accidentally discovered by putting the icing in the microwave it really turns orange!!!

What cookie is your favourite?

And my favourite creation of this past weekend.

Anyhow, laundry will always be there. These moments are fleeting.

Our house is clean enough to be healthy, and dirty enough to be happy. ~Author Unknown

Have you ever taken anything out of the clothes basket because it had become, relatively, the cleaner thing? Author: Katherine Whitehorn

Cleaning your house while your kids are still growing up is like shoveling the walk before it stops snowing.
- Phyllis Diller

Sunday, October 3, 2010

The Many Faces of Caelan

Today I had to write about my little Caelan just because there is something sooooo cute that I just have to share with you.

In the last couple of weeks I have noticed a change in the way that Caelan talks. If you listen closely you will notice that he pronounces ever so carefully the "T" at the end of his words. So much so that he slows down his talking so as to ensure that he gets that "T" in there. It is the cutest!!!!

I've queried whether or not he will be a journalist given his love of drama and the oh so careful pronounciation. What do you think Uncle Ken?

Friday, October 1, 2010

Can You Guess the Subject of this Blog?


I really just want to be warm yellow light that pours over everyone I love. Conor Oberst

So, this week I entered yet another photo contest. I think I'm hooked. The theme of the contest was yellow. That's it. Yellow. Plain and simple. Yellow. When I first read about the contest I wondered if I actually had any photos that related to the theme of yellow.

Turns out I did!

This first one is a window in an old church in Portugal Cove. The church is now an antique shop (actually more of a junk shop)!

This one I've shown you before. They're tulips standing at attention in my mother's garden. The yellow one seems to be the leader of the pack.

The photo below is a base for a spool or something or other. Can you tell I really don't understand my husband's work very well? Tut. Tut.

And this one I thought was a pretty insightful sentiment.

Love the downtown St. John's character!

And my very talented soccer player, Cody. Who, by the way, is trying out for the All Star soccer team tomorrow. Wish him luck!!

And, Carter the clown. Couldn't you just squat him?

According to a workshop my hubby attended yesterday, I may have the personality of the colour yellow. What does that mean?

This bright sunshine colour usually surrounds a radiant personality, one that people are naturally attracted to.

* The yellow personality tends to have a playful nature, they have an attractive childlike quality - that is not to say childish - but they seem to have an appealing sense of wonder and enjoyment about them.Usually they have a good and active sense of humor and a bright intellect too.
* You get very excited by projects and ideas but you may have a tendency to take on too many at any one time. The result being you may not always get to finish what you started.
* These people are often very sensitive, sometimes having a very good gut instinct. People are attracted to them yet they often like to have their own space, they may have many acquaintances but not that many people they would count on as friends themselves.
* Yellow personalities can be found in many areas professionally as they can turn their hand to most things.They use their own initiative a lot and have what we would term as good common sense.
* The sort of exercise that appeals to them has to be fun - so cycling or jogging or a team sport they love. As they mature the yellow personality may find themselves drawn to slower exercise like Tai Chi - this appeals to their kinaesthetic and sensitive nature.

All of the personality colours have both positive and negative aspects and attributes just as our personalities do depending on the situation you find yourself in.
Obviously in an ideal world we would all be in balance all of the time but that is hardly realistic or likely. Therefore at any given time, the colours we display and the personalities that come with them may be bright, dark, vibrant or patchy. What colour best describes you today?

And do you have any yellow in your photo collection?