A Room With a View

A Room With a View
St. John's Harbour

Monday, March 7, 2011

Love Is In the Snow

I'd like to introduce you to Leanne and Trent and welcome you to their winter engagement photo shoot. This was a first for me and a lot of fun!

Sorry if I made your hands cold making you hold the snow Trent! Luckily it was 3 degrees and not too windy! Unusual for St. John's for sure!

A sweeter couple you won't ever meet! And their newfound love for each other brings with it many dreams! I have no doubt their dreams will come true.

Thanks for letting me have the opportunity to do your engagement photo shoot guys! You were the most easy-going and adventurous ever! Great qualities to have in a marriage!


  1. Great job, as usual. But then that's what I expected.

  2. Awesome job, Tina! My favorites are the heart in the snow & the ring on the branch. May have to steal those ideas someday! ;)
