A Room With a View

A Room With a View
St. John's Harbour

Thursday, July 14, 2011

50 lbs Lighter!

I promised I would write a blog so that my sisters who are living away in Ontario could see the new me. So, here it is . . .
It's been a year and a half and to date I am 51 pounds lighter than I was. I have a goal to lose approximately 30 more. It's been a journey and one that continues!
Not only am I lighter physically, but psychologically. You knew you were gonna get that from a social worker, right? :)

1 comment:

  1. All I can say is WOW!! WOW!! WOW!
    Tina you look AWESOME!!
    See, I told you if you believe all things are possible!!
    Reach over and give yourself a big pat on the back. You sure have earned it!
    You know I am proud of you. It wasn't easy; but YOU DID IT!!!
    LOve you lotsssss,
