A Room With a View

A Room With a View
St. John's Harbour

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Yeah Mon!

October 2011!! I can't believe it! Isn't it still supposed to be summer?
We're just back from a fabulous vacation at the Gran Bahia Principe in Runaway Bay, Jamaica! Yeah Mon!!
Here are a few shots from the relaxing week. Above we are posing outside the Orchid Restaurant with the Entertainment Team. We all got to know each other and have some fun together. Terry even reminded them of the history of where the national Jamaican dish originated! Ackee and saltfish! Newfoundlanders would trade saltfish for the Jamaican rum! We were a little sad to say goodbye and exchanged hugs 'til next time! :)
This next photo was taken while relaxing around the pool which we spent a large percentage of our time doing. No better way to stay cool in Jamaica.
This is a man who entertained us while touring a pottery shop. I pointed to my camera asking his permission to take his picture. He was happy to oblige and struck a pose. Then he boldly pushed his hat towards me on the floor. Hmmmm! I guess I had to pay to take his picture! lol Jamaicans are well ahead of their time! :) Why didn't I think to have people pay to take my picture? lol
Here's my handsome husband relaxing in the lobby of the resort! Isn't that shirt sooooo his colour? He looks like a tall, cool glass of water! :)
I think this next one is my favourite. The sun setting over the beach with the palm tree and its coconuts silhouetted!
These Jamaican colored hats were the product of a friendly Jamaican craft vendor around the pool. She obligingly fixed them so I could photograph them. The colours of the Jamaican flag are green, gold and black. Green representing the lush vegetation, gold the ever present sun and the black the strength and creativity of its people.
Doesn't this one just invite you to forget all your responsibilities and soak in the sun, surf and sand?
And lastly, the beautiful colours of the Carribean Sea as seen from our plane.
All in all, a fabulous week! Can't wait to go again!! Yeah Mon!!

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