A Room With a View

A Room With a View
St. John's Harbour

Thursday, July 29, 2010

So, here are a few of my shots from the photowalk. I had a lovely time spending the afternoon with my son! I've always loved downtown St. John's. It has so much more character than most cities.

It was a gorgeous, sunny day. Not too warm, not too cold. There just happened to be some sailboats circling the harbour. Lots of street performers. I think it was a bit of an eye opener for Cody. It was a new thing for him to see people panhandling for money. And then to see one of them in the back of a police car later in the day.

When I first checked out my shots on the computer I was uninspired. I looked a little closer and found some beauty after all. Not unlike most of us! Maybe there is a lesson here. Look a little closer. There is good in all of us somewhere.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Grand Bank

Well, it's Wednesday, the middle of the work week. Actually, it's past the middle for me! Thursday evening we leave for Grand Bank for a well-deserved long weekend. Funny where life takes you. I never could have guessed I'd have a connection with Grand Bank. My first social work job was in Grand Bank and that is where I met my husband. Along with him came some wonderful new relatives, my in-laws. I am blessed.

I'm looking forward to our upcoming weekend there. Saturday is mine and Terry's 11th year anniversary and Sunday is Terry's birthday. We have a dinner theatre booked and a bed and breakfast for Saturday night. Of course, it's also an opporunity to be in a diferent location for taking pictures. That's always an added bonus! So, I expect I won't be blogging on the weekend, but be sure to check back for the update and the pictures!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Black and White

Another of my favourite types of photography is black and white. I think black and white photography requires that you see differently through that lense. You no longer have the luxury of lush green trees or the pop of a red door. It's about looking for texture and presence. I think it's artistic. What do you think?

Check out some of Ansel Adams black and white work. http://www.anseladams.com/

And some of Tina B's black and white work. :)

Monday, July 26, 2010


The last man to write about in my little family is my husband, Terry.

Terry is my tall, dark and handsome husband of 11 years. Our 11th anniversary is coming up on July 31st. I feel fortunate to be able to say that after 11 years of marriage we are closer than ever and more in love.

How would I describe Terry? He is pretty quiet and doesn't generally talk much, unless of course you're talking about two of his favourite subjects, investments and cars. Terry is a hard working husband and father. He does a fabulous job at providing for his family. He's not the traditional husband who sees the home as "woman's work." He pitches in and helps in every way he can whether that's laundry or cooking or washing dishes.

Terry is loving, supportive, brave, protective, a comedian, a family man and a man I am proud to have as my husband and the father of our beautiful boys.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

If I were to choose only one word to describe my oldest, Cody, it would be sensitive. It was evident that he was a sensitive little one from a very young age and he still is at the age of 10.

There are a lot of things about Cody that make me proud. Most of the time he's a wonderful big brother. He's very good at sports of all kinds. Hockey, basketball, soccer . . . He's a great reader and does well in school. He's a loving boy, too. He can be seen frequently giving Mom and Dad hugs and kisses.

As of late he has taken on some of his parents' interests. He is interested in photography and went with me yesterday on the worldwide photography walk and got some great shots. He's also becoming quite the entrepreneur. Making posters to promote his photography, setting up a yard sale to sell some of his old toys, reminding Mom and Dad that we owe him for chores completed . . .

Here are some of Cody's shots from yesterday's photowalk.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Let me tell you about Carter. He's my middle guy and is 14 months older than Caelan.

Carter is a bit of a mystery. Previously whenever anyone looked at a picture of him they would immediately say something like, "He's a mischeivious little guy isn't he?" It was just evident in his face, in his eyes. Well, he's changed! He has become bashful and a little shy. Of course, there is still some mischief there especially when he tries to hide the fact that he has been less than pleasant with his little brother.

Carter is full of questions not unlike any other child his age, but he also has a tendency to tell you that he already knows the answer to that question. He is a smart 4 year old and is very excited to be starting school this year.

He is a cutie and likeable by all. In fact, his daycare teacher would probably adopt him if given the opportunity!

Carter loves to play video games, ride his bike and roast spider weiners in the backyard fire pit.

Thursday, July 22, 2010


I'd like to tell you about my boys (big and small) in my life starting with the youngest.

We like to call Caelan our surprise since we unexpectedly became pregnant with him 5 months after having a newborn baby. Talk about your shock factor! Nonetheless we adjusted and now don't know what we would do without him.

We also call him our drama queen. If you're ever fortunate enough to spend some time with him and you hear him crying loudly (so much so that it sounds like the end of the world), don't panic. It's likely just a little scratch. I remember when he got his H1N1 shot, his brother didn't cry at all, however, Caelan was the loudest one in the gym. No kidding!

He's my blond haired, blue eyed cutie. Most people say he looks like the Ball side of the family whereas the other boys look like the Banfields. He certainly has the stubborn streak of the Ball family. Let's call it determination! lol

Caelan is best buds with his 4 year old brother, Carter and says the cutest things! He loves to ride his bike and play in the "back you-ard."

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Hmmmmm . . . Humidity or Rain?

I have to say. I'm not too impressed with our July weather. If it's not sticky humidity it's clammy rain. How about just some heat, some sun? I apologize if I sound like I'm complaining, but I am!! Forgive me, I don't usually complain too much. I'm forever the optimist for the most part.

Having said all that, perhaps the solution is to adopt the mind of a child. Typically on a rainy day like today I would keep my boys inside to play. After all, they're going to get soaked if they go outside in the rain! There was one day when I "lightened up" and said, "What the heck! Sure you can go outside and play in the rain!" I'm so glad I did that! The sheer joy and delight on my boys faces were priceless as they danced in the rain. It was such a gift to hear the squeals and giggles. And I captured the moment with my camera.
I once heard an inspirational quote that went like this.

Anyone who says sunshine brings happiness has never danced in the rain. ~Author Unknown

And my favourite quote about dancing in the rain.

“Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass…it’s learning to dance in the rain.”
- Unknown
Are you game to try dancing in the rain? I plan to at the next opportunity.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Ever been to Flatrock? Doesn't sound like the most intriguing place in the world to visit does it? How exciting can a flat rock be?

I beg to differ. I drove to Flatrock one day in August of 2009 to explore along with my camera (of course). I found some scenes that turned out to be some of my favourite photos. I also "stepped outside of my comfort zone" and for the first time asked a stranger if Icould take his picture. Turned out he didn't even speak English. He and his friend were from Germany (I think), but we managed to communicate and he agreed to have his pictue taken. They were visiting the grotto in Flatrock.

Check out some pics from that day.

Monday, July 19, 2010

The Worn and the Beautiful

When I welcomed you all to my photography blog, I mentioned the fact that one of my favourite things to photograph is scenes where there are both beautiful and worn things. I can't quite explain why. Perhaps some of you can share your theories. I have numerous examples of what I am talking about. Let me show you.
Take the picture of the old farm wheels in my brother-in-laws backyard. Perhaps most would dismiss them as junk that needed to be cleaned up. I think they looked beautiful in the lush, green surroundings and were something to be appreciated. What do you think?
And then there is the old picnic table and the wooden basket in the apple orchard. I took this photo when I was apple picking with my sister and nephew. It will help me remember that day for a long time. Perhaps I'll sit with Sam when he is older and tell him about the day when he and Auntie Tina were walking amongst the apple trees.
One of my favourite photos that I have taken recently is the one with the birdhouse and the old flowerpot. Again, I'm not sure why I like it so much. I like the red of the flowerpot and the imagination of its creator.
So, what are your thoughts on the worn and the beautiful?

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Newfoundland Beauty

In an earlier blog I alluded to a couple of excursions I've been on recently with my husband. I'd like to tell you about our adventure in Gros Morne a couple of weeks ago. Aided by some photos of beautiful scenery of course!
I'm ashamed to say this, but I've been married to my handsome husband for 11 years this month and just this year is the first time we have spent time away by ourselves without the kids. Long overdue! Take my advice. If you're a couple and haven't done so, spend lots of time with your partner just being yourselves.So we set out for a 4 night stay in Rocky Harbour after dropping the kids off at Nanny and Poppy's in Stanhope immediately noticing the blessed quietness in the van! Quiet is not a description of our home or our kids. They are very active, typical little boys who like to wrestle and shoot each other with water guns. Back to the quiet.Driving from Stanhope to Rocky Harbour was about a 3 and a half hour jaunt. How beautiful was the scenery when we got to Gros Morne! A little unnerving to see a highway sign that warned us to test our brakes. I once heard a description of the Gros Morne experience as "you don't even know you're in Newfoundland." I'd like to change that description to "you don't even realize what beauty Newfoundland has to offer." I was in awe!When we got to Gros Morne RV Park we got started setting up camp. Did I mention we were sleeping in a tent for 4 nights? It really was OK. We had a little rain one night and a LOT of wind. I must admit I thought the tent might fall down on us that night and was planning in my head for the worst case scenario. We survived the night just fine I'm happy to report.On Friday we drove to Cow Head to take in the Lobster Festival. We hiked 45 minutes to see a lighthouse before lunch. Terry warned me it was probably a little lighthouse, not much to see. He was kind of right. Just the same, I did appreciate it's history and own special kind of beauty.
After lunch we took in some of the theatre festival at the local museum. As always I am never surprised by the talent of Newfoundlanders. The show was enjoyed by all including people from Texas, Maryland and Ontario. We also drove north a little further and saw the natural sea arches.
After the show we enjoyed a lobster dinner at the Anglican church hall. We ate with two couples from Maryland who couldn't quite figure out what the yellow salad was. They queried whether or not it was made of egg yolks. When I informed them it was mustard salad, they appeared a little hesitant but tried it out and liked it. They also liked the bakeapple and partridgeberry jam, the molasses tea buns and the homemade bread.
On Saturday we had reservations for the Western Brook Pond boat tour. Now this is where majesty is! High as the sky mountains, magnificent waterfalls and crystal clear water. I was in awe indeed and even got a little emotional at the grandeur of it all.
To say the least, Gros Morne and other parts of Newfoundland are taken for granted by some of us Newfoundlanders. I remember as a kid taking my hometown for granted only to go back home as an adult and see for the first time it's beauty. I think it's high time we opened our eyes and perhaps really saw our province for the first time. And do it with someone you love!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Beautiful day in St. Philip's today! Warm and sunny! I spent the whole day on a ladder and scaffolding helping hubby put siding on the garage. Let me tell you, I have a newfound respect for those who build houses and skyscrapers! It was a little unnerving high atop the scaffolding, but hubby assured me it was secure and I trusted him. Says a lot doesn't it?

Would you in a million years help to build this skyscraper??)

Friday, July 16, 2010

Worldwide Photowalk 2010

Today I am very excited about a discovery of the Worldwide Photowalk 2010! This year, on July 24th, is the 3rd annual photowalk. And there is a walk taking place here in St. John's. I have registered to take part and have also registered my budding protege, 10 year old Cody. Stay tuned for the fun photos!

Here's the link if you want to take a look.


Thursday, July 15, 2010

My Number One Fan!

So, today I wanna talk about followers or fans of my photography. Having other people enjoy my photography is one of the bonuses of taking pictures. After all, attention is a vital form of psychological nutrition. (Sorry, I had to slip that "social worky" thing in there)! Of course, what matters most is that I get personal satisfaction and fulfillment out of my photography. Like I said, the fans are bonuses. Some of my favourite fans are those closest to me. Let me tell you about them.

My sisters. I can always count on some positive feedback from them. It's also a passion I have in common with them. My youngest sister is a fantastic photographer as well. (I think it's the creative gene we inherited from our mother). Pam never fails to be interested in my photos and shares my enthusiasm for photography. That's why when we entered the same photography contest this past Christmas and she was one of the winners, I was just as happy and excited for her as I would have been if I had won. We celebrate each others successes. (No tears, Pam). My middle sister, Vicky, is also involved in the world of photography. Vicky never liked having her picture taken before she married her husband. Ironic that she married a photojournalist who takes his camera everywhere. I've seen some beautiful shots of my sister in the last few years. And since my niece came along I've seen lots of beautiful pictures that were taken by her mom. Funny how having a child brings out the camera.

My parents. They both also have a love of photography and are soooo supportive and interested in my photos. In fact, Dad can be seen a lot of times with his own camera attached to the hip! Thanks Mom and Dad for being on the top of my fan list! Your comments about my photography are ones that I always look forward to hearing or reading.

My boys are also fans of Mom's photography and of photography in general. Carter and Caelan love to pose for the camera and immediately ask, "Can I see it, Mommy?" after having their picture taken. Thank goodness for the digital age! And Cody has entered photo contests right along with Mommy. Just recently he has developed a flyer that he wants to distribute around the neighbourhood so that he can take pictures and get paid for it. :) Maybe a budding photographer?

Now on to my number one fan. My husband is my number one fan. He's a man of few words, but his pride is evident. We have been on several excursions recently where he has displayed such patience. I inevitably have my camera with me and say, "Oh! Stop here!" "Wait! Go back!" He does so willingly every time. When my picture was featured in the Downtown St. John's calendar he was the one I wanted at my side for the celebrations at Yellow Belly. He is the first person I called when I was one of the winners in the World Ostomy Photo Contest. He is the one who researched and shopped for the best of the best in camera equipment when my abilities improved and I became disappointed with the capabilities of my point and shoot. After 11 years of marriage he has become my BFF and the most important person with whom I want to share my photography. Thank you honey!

And thank you to all of my followers! I have great psychological nutrition thanks to you!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

My Favourite Subject

Every photographer has a favourite or several favourite subjects. Can you guess what mine is? My boys, of course! One of the benefits of photographing your own children is that every photo is a masterpiece. Every one is cute and makes me smile and glow with pride. It doesn't matter if they have messy faces, hair that is sticking up or a goofy grin. That just makes it all the more cuter! I think my boys are the cutest kids ever! I'm their Mom. It's just a given that I believe that. My three boys have grown up with a camera in their faces. I have the best pictures to savour later in life when they are grown men with families of their own. They've been great subjects with which to practice.
Your Photographer Mom

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Musings on a Muggy Day

It's 30something degrees for the 3rd or 4th day in Newfoundland. Amazing what the weather does to a person! I'm drained of energy, cranky and irritable. And I have a self-inflicted sunburn that is causing me pain. One of the things that Moms do - we put sunscreen on our kids and fail to take care of ourselves. Yet I managed to find the energy to put my heavy camera bag in my car this morning. A friend/family member and an article I read once spoke of always bringing your camera with you wherever you go. A good practice indeed. Many a photo opportunity I have missed by not following that practice.

I remember one particular morning when I didn't bring my camera with me. It was a calm morning with not a draft of wind (unusual for St. John's, Newfoundland). I drove by a pond and caught a glimpse of a perfect reflection in the water. That particular morning and its conditions will never be again. Sure, there will be other calm mornings, but not one exactly like that day. Lesson learned. :) Another evening previous to that I was driving and witnessed a beautiful, on-fire harvest moon. Oh to have had a camera and a tripod! I haven't seen a moon like that one since.

Like this picture of my little Timbits . . . Had I not had my camera, I could not have felt, touched or loved this moment in quite the same way. Anyone who knows me well knows my bad memory. (Thanks Dad!) I would surely have forgotten this moment of cuteness. Now I can remember it forever.

Monday, July 12, 2010


Welcome All! I'm very excited to have started my first blog. This is my way of sharing my love of photography. Just another step in pursuing my passion and sharing it with others. Every day something catches my eye as a moment to be remembered. Photography is the ability to do just that. Whether it's a cute look on a child's face, colorful lupins blowing in the breeze or a calm reflection in a Newfoundland pond. I've been taking pictures since I was a teenager (more than 20 years ago)! Not to give away my age or anything! Of course, I believe age is just a number. I think I still feel like a teenager some days!

I hope you enjoy my photography. It's my art form. I mostly enjoy taking portraits or pictures of nature. I am especially drawn to the beautiful, together with the old and worn. Stay tuned for my unique and creative slide shows. It may be my Red Door album or your typical Newfoundland scenery. Yay!! So excited!!