A Room With a View

A Room With a View
St. John's Harbour

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

My Favourite Subject

Every photographer has a favourite or several favourite subjects. Can you guess what mine is? My boys, of course! One of the benefits of photographing your own children is that every photo is a masterpiece. Every one is cute and makes me smile and glow with pride. It doesn't matter if they have messy faces, hair that is sticking up or a goofy grin. That just makes it all the more cuter! I think my boys are the cutest kids ever! I'm their Mom. It's just a given that I believe that. My three boys have grown up with a camera in their faces. I have the best pictures to savour later in life when they are grown men with families of their own. They've been great subjects with which to practice.
Your Photographer Mom

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