A Room With a View

A Room With a View
St. John's Harbour

Friday, July 23, 2010

Let me tell you about Carter. He's my middle guy and is 14 months older than Caelan.

Carter is a bit of a mystery. Previously whenever anyone looked at a picture of him they would immediately say something like, "He's a mischeivious little guy isn't he?" It was just evident in his face, in his eyes. Well, he's changed! He has become bashful and a little shy. Of course, there is still some mischief there especially when he tries to hide the fact that he has been less than pleasant with his little brother.

Carter is full of questions not unlike any other child his age, but he also has a tendency to tell you that he already knows the answer to that question. He is a smart 4 year old and is very excited to be starting school this year.

He is a cutie and likeable by all. In fact, his daycare teacher would probably adopt him if given the opportunity!

Carter loves to play video games, ride his bike and roast spider weiners in the backyard fire pit.

1 comment:

  1. You have describe our little man to a tee! He is so loving and complementary too!
    Nan loves you Carter...SOOOOOOOOO much!!
