A Room With a View

A Room With a View
St. John's Harbour

Saturday, January 18, 2014

My Photography Style

I've been doing a lot more with my camera lately thanks to a 52 Week Photography Challenge with my sister, Pam. Life just seems to take over and you forget the passions that are important to you. Well, maybe not forget. Just temporarily put aside.

So, I've been giving some thought to my photography style. You know how there are some photos that you automatically recognize as belonging to a particular photographer. Wouldn't it be awesome to be so well known and recognizable.

Here's what I've come up with so far...

I like to take pictures of unappreciated beauty.

I suspect that a lot of people wouldn't consider this old door to be beautiful. I believe it is intriguing! And all the layers of paint tell a story, one that I would love to know.

I also LOVE portrait photography! I like a combination of relaxed traditional and candid portraits. Always creative!

I am also drawn to nature photography. Snowy scenes, sunsets, trees... Love trees! And red doors. And black and white photography. And abstract. :)

There. The beginnings of exploring my photographic style! Maybe one day someone will look at an image and say, "That's a Tina B!" :) One can dream! Happy Dreaming!

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