A Room With a View

A Room With a View
St. John's Harbour

Saturday, May 31, 2014

It's a Small World After All

Another fun afternoon with Tina B Photography! I had the pleasure of photographing the Bennett family today and discovered what a small world it really is. Turns out Eileen used to teach at the elementary school I attended in Brown's Arm. And this family had a close relationship with one of my favourite people in the whole wide world, my Uncle Nelson. I heard stories today of how Uncle Nelson would rock the girls to sleep when they were babies. I, too, experienced that privilege. Uncle Nelson passed away quite some time ago, but what a treat to get to reminisce on a Saturday afternoon in Bowring Park with a beautiful family.

Thank you for the privilege of photographing your family today and allowing me to capture some memories before your daughter heads off to Houston after just convocating!

Here's your sneak peek, Bennett family!

Hope you enjoy!

Tina B

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Be Still My Heart

Be still my heart, indeed . . .
What a fun way to spend a Saturday morning on SUCH a gorgeous day! A couple of hours in Bowring Park with my bestie and her beautiful baby girl. Only she really isn't so little anymore I'm afraid, Taf.  I can't believe what a young woman she has turned into!

It was sooooo enjoyable Taffy! Bailey is beautiful, fun-loving and sweet as pie! I wonder where she gets all that . . . Don't have to look far! She gets it from her beautiful mama and her fun-loving daddy. 

I am truly blessed to have met you 10 years ago. OMG, can you believe it! 10 years! This morning's photo shoot was one more treasured experience I will add to the list. You have no idea what a privilege it is to create beautiful images and hear Bailey's mama say, "Aww!!! I'm gonna cry" when she stops for a moment to drink in the beauty of her child.

I had a terrible time picking out a couple of images for your sneak peek! They're all so beautiful! Hope you enjoy!

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Little Sweeties

Today I had the privilege of photographing two little sweeties! Tiny Baby E and her adorable "big" brother who is almost 5 years old.  Baby E definitely knew something was up because she stayed awake for almost the whole session! And big brother was great entertainment telling his knock knock jokes and about his inventions as a budding scientist. What a perfect little family!

Here's your sneak peek, Megan and Gerard!

Thank you so much for allowing me the privilege of documenting this moment in time for all of you!
Cheers, Tina B