A Room With a View

A Room With a View
St. John's Harbour

Saturday, May 31, 2014

It's a Small World After All

Another fun afternoon with Tina B Photography! I had the pleasure of photographing the Bennett family today and discovered what a small world it really is. Turns out Eileen used to teach at the elementary school I attended in Brown's Arm. And this family had a close relationship with one of my favourite people in the whole wide world, my Uncle Nelson. I heard stories today of how Uncle Nelson would rock the girls to sleep when they were babies. I, too, experienced that privilege. Uncle Nelson passed away quite some time ago, but what a treat to get to reminisce on a Saturday afternoon in Bowring Park with a beautiful family.

Thank you for the privilege of photographing your family today and allowing me to capture some memories before your daughter heads off to Houston after just convocating!

Here's your sneak peek, Bennett family!

Hope you enjoy!

Tina B

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