A Room With a View

A Room With a View
St. John's Harbour

Sunday, August 23, 2015

The Story of Our Life

Oh, what fun I had today at Tina B Photography!
One of the best things about capturing memories for people is the privilege of  getting to watch the story of their lives unfold!

Remember this magical maternity session?
It was such a perfect winter wonderland!

Then came a precious little bundle named Evan . . .
He was so tiny and loved to the moon and back!

6 months later and what a lucky lady I was 
to get to visit with Evan and his parents again today! 
What a difference 6 months makes! 
And what a rock star Evan was at his photo session today despite teething 
and not napping a wink on the drive here! 

So sweet! Loved my cuddles at the end, little Evan. 

Thank you for visiting me today!

Cheers, Tina B

Saturday, July 25, 2015

70?! Really? Are You Sure?!

I'm writing a special post at Tina B Photography today!
It's the occasion of my dad's 70th birthday. I can't really believe it! You see, my dad seems WAY younger than 70. You'll know what I mean in a moment.

My dad is a special dad. He's always been an amazing father. He's also an amazing husband and was an amazing teacher. I'm willing to bet all of his former students would agree.

My father is gentle, loving, kind, generous, patient . . . I could go on and on. Not only have I experienced this as his daughter, but my children have also experienced it. They all adore their grandfather, even my 15 year old teenager! :)

Here are just a few photos to show you what I mean.

Always willing to pose for my camera, let me practice a technique or perfect a shot. :)

Never one to sit on the sidelines, but gets right in on all the action. :)

Strong! Even when six year olds are too tired to climb the sliding hill! :)

Willing to do just about anything to make a visit home memorable and fun including snowmobile rides, ice fishing and snowshoeing. And HE dug all those holes with an auger! 

Helpful in every way around the house. And man enough to wear an apron!

Patient and has all the time in the world for his grandchildren! He's not somewhere else when he's spending time with you. You have 100% of his attention!

Built in seating at a soccer game! :)

Loves to have fun! You have no idea the hats he's worn, figuratively and literally! :) One of my personal favourites was the Michael Jackson wig and sequinned hat! :)

The gentlest of touches for a tradition at our house when Nanny and Poppy Ball come to visit. The rubbing of faces at bedtime. Can you think of a better way to fall asleep? His wake up call when we were children was a gentle kiss on the cheek.

I'm so very proud of you dad and love you more than you can ever know. I can only hope that I have such a legacy when I'm 70. You've set the bar incredibly high! And yes, I can barely see the keyboard through my emotion and tears as I write this. 

All my love, Tina B 

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Brooklyn is One!

What a fun morning at Tina B Photography!
I swear it just gets more and more fun with each photo shoot.
You'll have to agree when you check out this cuteness overload!
I told you so! :)

Meet the beautiful Brooklyn! 
She's one year old and she celebrated today in fine style! 
There were even kisses for rubber ducky!
It was one of those sessions where you don't want to put your camera down.
And when you do finally put it down, you just wanna hang out and enjoy the fun.

Here's your sneak peek, Mommy and Daddy!

I hope you enjoy, cause I sure enjoyed capturing little Brooklyn having a blast!

Cheers, Tina B

Sunday, June 28, 2015

A "Meant to Be" Baby

What a beauty of a day it was for a maternity photo shoot at Bowring Park!
And a beautiful mama to be!

Paula and Dale have a fairy tale story if ever I've heard one. They had both been longing to be parents, but it never came to be for a very long time.

Then sweet serendipity happened. 
You know, that unexpected meeting that changes your life . . .
Paula and Dale decided to start a family and 
two weeks later they were pregnant.

I like Paula's description. This is a meant to be baby. 
As you can imagine, they are both over the moon happy!
This will be one special and well loved little boy!

Thank you so much for allowing me to capture these
precious memories! I am humbled.

Here's your sneak peek, guys! I hope you enjoy!

Cheers, Tina B

Thursday, June 4, 2015

The Lovely Lauren

Yay!! The weather cooperated today for Tina B Photography!
Yes, just for the lovely Lauren and I! :)

The light in Bowring Park this afternoon was absolutely dreamy! 
The stuff that fairy tales are made of.
Just perfect to create some beautiful memories for Lauren, her dad and her mom. 
You see, Lauren, their one and only daughter, is graduating Grade 8.

So, I arrived a little early to scout out the park and find the best spots. 
It's safe to say I have a new favourite shot! 
It's the only one I showed Dad on the back of my camera. 
I'm sorry, Duane, I have to say it . . . It made dad cry. That my friends, is a sign of a great portrait. One that causes an emotional reaction. 
After all, his beautiful baby girl is growing up.
Both Duane and Michelle are two proud parents. It is easy to see. 

Congrats Lauren. I hope you have fun tonight!

Thank you for allowing me to help create some forever memories.

Here's your sneak peek!

Cheers, Tina B

Sunday, May 31, 2015

A Modern Day Rosie the Riveter

There's a quote from the photography world which goes like this:

"Which of my photographs is my favourite? The one I'm going to take tomorrow."

There's a new favourite or two at Tina B Photography from today's photo shoot with the strong, creative, beautiful Vanessa! Truth be told, this genre of photography is my absolute favourite. 
And how could it not be! You see, I believe there is beauty in everything and everyone. I think that's why I love to shoot with a rugged, worn backdrop. Old root cellars, peeling red paint on an old barn or the historical backdrop of the old bunkers at Cape Spear.

I also believe there is beauty in each and every one of us and that we don't get in front of the camera often enough. Our photographs will be our memories long after we've forgotten. Remember what it feels like to look through an old photo album and recall precious memories? That time that Nan laughed so hard she was red in the face. Or that girls' trip to Vegas. Or that time when I bought those red shoes.

Today's photo shoot was such fun! Spending time with a strong, confident, beautiful woman who has recently accomplished the completion of a Masters degree in social work. How lucky am I?

Vanessa, you embody Rosie the Riveter! You can accomplish anything you set your mind to AND look good doing it! :)

I hope you had as much fun as I did. Thank you for stepping in front of my camera lens!
Here's your sneak peek!

Cheers, Tina B

Monday, May 25, 2015

Oh, the Places She'll Go!

This past weekend at Tina B Photography was, once again, the most fun!
I had the privilege of doing a ballerina photo shoot 
with the beautiful and talented Maddie. 
And in one of the most beautiful places, Cape Spear, Newfoundland.
I could not wait to get back to my computer
and share this beauty with all of you!

Now if you've spent any time looking around my Facebook page, you may have seen 
the beautiful Maddie before. 

Check out this sweetness . . .

A much younger, but still just as beautiful Maddie. 
I wonder if her Mom and Dad knew back then
just where this little lady would take them.

The wonderful thing is that I've gotten to know who Maddie is through her Mom.
From the outside looking in I would use words like 
a talented, athletic, intelligent, grounded, responsible,
beautiful woman with true convictions.
This young lady is well on her way to knowing who she is and 
is not afraid to let the world know.
Seems to me like you and Francis have done a
fabulous job, Joselynn. <3 p="">

Thank you for allowing me the pleasure of having Maddie in 
front of my camera lens.
Believe me, it was totally my pleasure!

Cheers, Tina B

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Truly a Gem

Every time there's a photoshoot at Tina B Photography 
it's an exciting day! 
Today, however, was an extra exciting day!
How often do you get the special privilege of photographing 
your childhood friend's daughter in her high school prom dress?!

Yes, you read it right. 
Lisa was practically my third sister growing up in Stanhope. 
She was a permanent fixture in our home. Fast forward to 2015 and she has 
a daughter graduating high school. 
Unbelievable! And obviously you and Mark did a fantastic job raising Bethany! 
She truly is a gem.

I had picked out these books for Bethany's photoshoot only to discover that she had actually read one of them. It was meant to be! I got goosebumps! Yes I did! ;)

Lisa, thank you so much for affording me the privilege today. I had a blast and I hope you all did, too.

Here's a little sneak peek!

Sunday, April 12, 2015

All Things Vintage

Tina B was in her glee today!
 I've loved all things vintage since living in a house in Virginia 
filled with antiques from our landlady's antique shop.
Today I had the privilege of photographing a family in all of their vintage style! 
And let me tell you, they rocked it!

Remember this little jewel?

And this little charmer?

I can't believe it's been a year! Check out the cuteness overload!

What did I tell you?! 
These two cuties have the personality, character and soul 
that can only be found in all things vintage!

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Adventures with Peter Rabbit

Our third little model of the day for 
Easter Mini Sessions at Tina B Photography was the lovely Eve! 
It is quite obvious that Eve dearly loves both her "mama" and her "dada." 
She wanted both of them close by for her adventures with Peter Rabbit! :)

Once she warmed up to the camera she was a natural! Loved her sweet, pink knitted dress which I think gave her mini session a beautiful vintage feel! She loved to see herself on the back of my camera! :) SUCH FUN!

Thank you guys for coming out to visit today! 
I had a great time capturing some forever memories.

Here's your sneak peek! Hope you enjoy!

Cheers, Tina B

Bunny Tales

As per usual, it was the cutest of days at Tina B Photography today! Easter Mini Sessions!! Oh, the bunny tales . . .  Or tails . . .  :)

First up were cutie pie cousins, Charlotte and Penelope! Charlotte walked right in like she'd lived here forever! Penelope timed it just right and waited 'til the camera was out of sight to give us a glimpse of that coy little smile! Love watching the BIG personalities come out of such LITTLE people!

Thank you, Cheryl and Stephanie, for bringing your cutie pies to visit again! And yourselves, of course! ;) I had such fun! And thank you for the privilege of capturing some special memories of your little treasures.

Here's your sneak peek! Hope you enjoy!

Cheers, Tina B

Monday, February 16, 2015

Over the Moon

This past weekend was an exciting one at Tina B Photography! Do you remember this stunning couple?

I had the privilege of doing their maternity photos not too long ago. First came love, then came marriage, then came baby Evan in a baby carriage! What a precious little baby boy! 15 days old when he came to visit Tina B! Oh my word! I can hardly even remember when my boys were that little. Treasure every moment, Stacey and Jonathon! This moment is your life! I know you will. It is certainly evident that you are both over the moon in love. 

Thank you so much for the privilege of doing Evan's newborn photos. He was a real trooper! He wanted to stay awake for every second, but hardly made a peep the whole time! I hope you enjoy the memories for years to come!

Here's your sneak peek! Enjoy!

Cheers, Tina B

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Little Pink Peony!

Another fun day at Tina B Photography! Today was Valentine's Minis! What treasures I had in my studio! Once again, I am so thankful for being able to spend time with these treasures and play a little part in preserving memories.

Here's little baby girl, Brooklyn! Isn't she precious! She was a joy to photograph! Pleasant as a little pink peony!

Here's your sneak peek, mommy! Hope you enjoy!

Thank you for the pleasure!

Cheers, Tina B