A Room With a View

A Room With a View
St. John's Harbour

Sunday, May 31, 2015

A Modern Day Rosie the Riveter

There's a quote from the photography world which goes like this:

"Which of my photographs is my favourite? The one I'm going to take tomorrow."

There's a new favourite or two at Tina B Photography from today's photo shoot with the strong, creative, beautiful Vanessa! Truth be told, this genre of photography is my absolute favourite. 
And how could it not be! You see, I believe there is beauty in everything and everyone. I think that's why I love to shoot with a rugged, worn backdrop. Old root cellars, peeling red paint on an old barn or the historical backdrop of the old bunkers at Cape Spear.

I also believe there is beauty in each and every one of us and that we don't get in front of the camera often enough. Our photographs will be our memories long after we've forgotten. Remember what it feels like to look through an old photo album and recall precious memories? That time that Nan laughed so hard she was red in the face. Or that girls' trip to Vegas. Or that time when I bought those red shoes.

Today's photo shoot was such fun! Spending time with a strong, confident, beautiful woman who has recently accomplished the completion of a Masters degree in social work. How lucky am I?

Vanessa, you embody Rosie the Riveter! You can accomplish anything you set your mind to AND look good doing it! :)

I hope you had as much fun as I did. Thank you for stepping in front of my camera lens!
Here's your sneak peek!

Cheers, Tina B

1 comment:

  1. I can't stop thinking about my photo shoot yesterday, mostly because I'm still on a high about it. If you want to feel beautiful, get in front of Tina's camera. I would describe myself as confident, strong, determined but I would not add love having my photo taken to that description. Disclaimer, I actually had a period of time recently where I would avoid getting in a picture at all cost. However, yesterday something wonderful happened, I got in front of the camera and I felt so empowered. The shoot started by Tina telling me what to do, when to smile, how to pose and at one point she said "flirt with my camera". At first I was hesitant, not even sure how to but throughout the day it just seemed to happen. It was just happening and I felt amazing doing it. If you want to feel beautiful, book Tina B Photography. Not to mention it was extremely fun. I'm one very happy customer.
