A Room With a View

A Room With a View
St. John's Harbour

Monday, May 25, 2015

Oh, the Places She'll Go!

This past weekend at Tina B Photography was, once again, the most fun!
I had the privilege of doing a ballerina photo shoot 
with the beautiful and talented Maddie. 
And in one of the most beautiful places, Cape Spear, Newfoundland.
I could not wait to get back to my computer
and share this beauty with all of you!

Now if you've spent any time looking around my Facebook page, you may have seen 
the beautiful Maddie before. 

Check out this sweetness . . .

A much younger, but still just as beautiful Maddie. 
I wonder if her Mom and Dad knew back then
just where this little lady would take them.

The wonderful thing is that I've gotten to know who Maddie is through her Mom.
From the outside looking in I would use words like 
a talented, athletic, intelligent, grounded, responsible,
beautiful woman with true convictions.
This young lady is well on her way to knowing who she is and 
is not afraid to let the world know.
Seems to me like you and Francis have done a
fabulous job, Joselynn. <3 p="">

Thank you for allowing me the pleasure of having Maddie in 
front of my camera lens.
Believe me, it was totally my pleasure!

Cheers, Tina B

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