A Room With a View

A Room With a View
St. John's Harbour

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Bloom Where You're Planted!

I've been a fan of flowers since I was a little girl. Mom tells me the story of how she plunked me down in the middle of some flowers to take my picture while on a family vacation. The love story continues. Nothing brightens up a front step or a room like a plant does. It gives a room life.

It isn't hard to get a good photograph of flowers. Robert Brault once said, "It pleases me to take amateur photographs of my garden, and it pleases my garden to make my photographs look professional."

The flower pictures above are from a variety of different locations. The tulips are from my mother's garden. I remember growing up with flowers in my mother's garden. What a privilege to grow up with such beauty. The white flowers are from my mother-in-law's garden. Another blessing to have a second mother with a love of nature. Some of the other photographs are of the flowers around me in my home and in my garden.

I must admit I love the flowers, but I'm not the best gardener. I neglect to give them the water they need on a regular basis. Life is just so busy with three boys, a husband, work and school! I neglect my plants and hope for the best. As always, there is a lesson to be learned here. Take care of all the people and flowers in your life. Give them the attention they deserve. Live in the moment and bloom where you are planted. Our families and our flowers will not be OK if you neglect them and assume they'll turn out the way you want. Be present always.


  1. More red. More lessons learned! Stop and smell the flowers. Good work love

  2. I didn't tell you the rest of the story about "plunking you", (as you called it), down into the middle of the flowers. There was a sign there that said, "Don't touch the flowers." You know mom, I loved flowers so much and you were just starting to love them too, I just had to have a photo of you right in the middle.
    Again, I love your thoughts, they are so true. Life is so short, and everyone in your family won't always be there. That is why it is VERY important that we create precious memories, memories that will last a lifetime. Having said that, I will say this as well, you always treat your family well, always make them feel wanted and special, even your extended family. Your home is always so welcoming!!
