A Room With a View

A Room With a View
St. John's Harbour

Monday, August 2, 2010

One Garden

So, as you know, this past weekend was certainly not my first visit to Grand Bank. I lived and worked there for 4 years and have been back to visit many times. So, one might think that I would run out of things to photograph right? Wrong! I once read a photography assignment that suggested taking a picture of something every 25 steps. This past weekend I challenged myself in a similar way. All of the pictures in this particular posting were taken in one garden. They were taken in the garden of my in-laws. You'd be surprised what you'll find if you look a little closer or from a different perspective. I've learned about myself that I love to take pictures of red things. Red doors, red bird feeders, red towel, red birdhouse, red sheds, red lighthouses . . . And being the analyzer that I am, what is that all about? Why am I attracted to red? I welcome any theories again. Here's one theory I found -

Red: Dynamic red is the color of love, courage, anger and joy. It demands attention and helps create a cheerful atmosphere. Some studies have shown people become hungry around the color red. If you prefer red, you are impulsive, possibly athletic, sexy and given to mood swings. You are determined to experience life to its fullest.

What do you think? Sound like me? lol

Stay tuned for further postings of pictures in one location. One room, one bed and breakfast . . . And challenge yourself with your camera! How many beautiful and interesting pictures can you find in one location?

1 comment:

  1. I know why you like red!!! Because your father had red hair!!
