A Room With a View

A Room With a View
St. John's Harbour

Sunday, August 22, 2010

I couldn't wait to write my posting today because I couldn't wait to show off the picture of my family. It is when I am with my family that I experience pure moments of joy and contentment. Watching the boys run around the back yard, sitting together at the dinner table or laughing at some cute thing that one of the boys has said.

This weekend was no different. It was a busy weekend, but enjoyable nonetheless. I think the boys have a more active social life than Terry and I do. We spent some time working on the garage (I'm getting more comfortable on scaffolding). We went to a neighbourhood garden party and two birthday parties. As well as trying to tackle the mountain of laundry that magically appears in our house every weekend. Amongst all that we managed to fit shopping for birthday presents and a new camera for Cody, cooking meals, washing dishes, replanting some houseplants, a BBQ, baths for everyone, making sandwiches for Monday's soccer game and a family photo shoot in the backyard. Whew! I need another weekend off just writing about all that!

Believe it or not, the family photo shoot only took a few minutes. Get everyone dressed in jeans and green shirts, wash faces, comb hair, move the swing set aside, set the camera up on the tripod, arrange everyone, set the self-timer for 20 seconds and run!! OK, maybe more than a few minutes. But worth every effort. It really doesn't take that much effort to pull off a beautiful shot of my family. They're just so darn cute! (If I do say so myself)! I'm willing to bet though, that some of you might agree.

What do you think?


  1. Awwwwwwwwwwww I am here in tears. You not only look like a happy family, you are a VERY happy family. You are all so blessed, and dad and I sure are blessed to have you guys.
    I wouldn't sell this one for a thousand dollars.

  2. Beautiful job. Everyone looks like they're enjoying having their picture taken. I don't know if you would say "cute" for everyone but you all look so happy and I'm so proud of you all

  3. LOVE it!!! Gotta have one, you know that! PLEASE mail me a 4x6. XOXO
