A Room With a View

A Room With a View
St. John's Harbour

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Where the Sun Meets the Sea

Today's blog is about the town that we have been living in since October of 2009.

Portugal Cove-St. Philip's.

Let's see. What do I like about the town?

  • It's really quiet and dark at night. You can actually appreciate a starry night.

  • Whenever the sun is out from behind the clouds you can count on a spectacular sunset.

  • The hills make for a great workout on the butt!

  • It's a small town with easy access to the benefits and services of a larger city.

  • It has one of the best elementary schools in the area.

  • I'm still just a 20 minute drive to work.

  • By Da Beach has the best fish and chips. Move over Ches's!

And it's a great place to take some beautiful photographs. Still ponds, majestic waterfalls, eerie fog and magnificent sunsets. Come visit soon!

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