A Room With a View

A Room With a View
St. John's Harbour

Friday, September 3, 2010

Dust Bunnies Under the Couch

Begin challenging your own assumptions. Your assumptions are your windows on the world. Scrub them off every once in awhile, or the light won't come in. Alan Alda

My initial intention for today's blog was to write about challenging our assumptions, but I've changed my mind. Forget about yesterday. Forget about last week. I won't even dare to presume that I have any kind of idea about what will happen in my future. If I allow my mind to hang out in the past or fly to the future, what happens to today? It passes me by and I don't even realize it!

So, I want to live in the moment today and write about mindfulness.

The concept of mindfulness is one that is used in therapy or counselling and operates on the idea that by intentionally recognizing the potential of each small moment in a day, one can pursue a richer life experience that includes more novelty and less stress. It is also sometimes referred to as living in the moment.

How about these quotes?

Many people are so concerned with adding days to their life that they forget to add life to their days.

The past is history. The future is a mystery. The only time we really have is now - just this moment.

“Every moment is a golden one for him who has the vision to recognize it as such.” Henry Miller

For instance, right now it is sunny outside, I'm listening to the radio and enjoying a Timmie's. The Timmie's would be a colossal waste of $1.63 if I was drinking it while thinking about the client from yesterday with the colourful language or the upcoming research course that I'll be starting next week and am dreading.

Mind you, it isn't an easy practice to live in the moment, especially today with all of the distractions we have in our lives. Groceries that need to be bought, laundry that needs to be washed and dust bunnies under the couch. Just remember that when it comes time to get those dust bunnies you have to live in the moment then, too. Move the couch out from the wall so as to do a thorough job and get a sense of accomplishment from doing so. Listen to the sound of the broom as it slides across the floor. Notice the newly revealed colour of the floor now that it isn't disguised by the dust bunnies.

OK, so I'm sounding a bit ridiculous now but you get my drift. I need more work on enjoying the present moment. I need to grab the moments that I have with important people in my life - my family especially.
All we really have is this moment. When it's gone we'll never get it back. What's important in your life? Is that where you are spending your time and energy?

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