A Room With a View

A Room With a View
St. John's Harbour

Sunday, September 12, 2010


Hiatus - a scheduled period of inactivity.

So, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of last week was supposed to be a hiatus from work for Terry and I. NOT!!! It was more like a scheduled period of activity. We didn't stop from Wednesday to Sunday!! Wednesday was the first day of school for Cody and Thursday was the first day for Carter. And there was no bus available for Carter until Monday the 13th. How many trips did we make from home to school to daycare to home to daycare to school to daycare and home again!!!

The only real hiatus for us in 5 days was out for breakfast on Wednesday morning and a visit to Whitbourne and the Rodrigues Winery Tour. We now know that we'll only get a real vacation when it's just the two of us and we're not at home!! Oh well! We learned something from our so-called hiatus! And we look forward to next Fall when I finish my masters and we head to the sunny south somewhere!!

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