A Room With a View

A Room With a View
St. John's Harbour

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Apparently I have to eat my words.

Check out a previous posting entitled, "A Warm Place to Be."

Yesterday here in Newfoundland was not nice! We did indeed experience hurricane force winds, a LOT of rain and the resulting damage. Perhaps we take a lot of things for granted or maybe it was inexperience. I was thinking as I drove home early to pick up my kids that we should be OK because we live on a hill and all the water would just run away. I was right, but I hadn't considered the damage that the wind could do.

We were probably fortunate when it comes to what others experienced, but it didn't feel that way. Our garage door blew in on top of my hubby's prized '65 Mustang. I was heartsick as I stood in the window and watched for him to come home.

It is, after all, our first baby. We drove home from the U.S. in it, got engaged in it and got married in it. I guess the damage is repairable, but heartbreaking nonetheless. So, I feel for my hubby. I'm also glad that my family is OK after Igor.

So, words eaten. Never be afraid to be wrong.

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