A Room With a View

A Room With a View
St. John's Harbour

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

While searching for a photo to use in today's blog I chose the above photo of little fledgling birds in their nest. I had chosen a picture, now what would I write about.

My smart husband suggested I write about little baby birds leaving the nest and I immediately thought of Carter. He's our little fledgling who left our "nest" last week when he went to kindergarten for the first time.

Isn't that just life? He was more than ready to leave the nest and try out his new wings. That first morning he walked out the door with his jean jacket, his cool Hot Wheels shirt and backpack and said, "Bye, Mommy, I'm going to school now." Meanwhile, previous to that he had said, "I'm not gonna be scared Mommy." Awww!!!I'm not so sure Mommy was ready for her little Carter to leave the nest. When saying goodbye to him in the classroom, I had to hold back tears so that he wouldn't feel anymore uncertain than he already did.

Having said that, a week later it feels like he has been going to school forever and next month our last little birdie begins KinderStart.

Oh my!! Will I ever survive it all?

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