A Room With a View

A Room With a View
St. John's Harbour

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Two Beauties

Whew! The last photo shoot of the season at Tina B Photography. It's time for Christmas to make its way to the Banfield house! :)

I've come to realize yet another one of the perks of this gig. I say it every time a gorgeous little girl comes to my studio! I get to see little girls all dressed up in their finest! I don't get to do that with three boys. How lucky am I?!

These two little darlings are no exception. They were just awesome this morning! Of course, the photos say it better than I ever could with words! Check out these two beauties!

Here's your sneak peak Karla and Greg! Hope you enjoy!

Have the merriest of Christmases! Cheers, Tina B

The Best Memories

Twas a busy day at Tina B Photography yesterday! Seems like every photo shoot is just more and more special every time!

Yesterday I had the privilege of photographing the children of my long time friend, Roxanne. Has it really been 23 years! I have the BEST memories of our very unique friendship! ;) One of my favourite was our road trip around the Burin Peninsula with the windows down singing our lungs out! And of course our stop to feel our toes in the sand. I have so many great memories.

Thank you for the blessing of allowing me to create some memories for you and your children with my camera. I don't know any other friendship where we can have a cup of tea after and feel like we picked up right where we left off! :)

Here's your sneak peek! I hope you enjoy!

I hope you all have the BEST Christmas!

Cheers, Tina B

Saturday, December 6, 2014

The Most Precious Gift

Did I not tell you that the MOST excitement was coming out of Tina B's tickle trunk today?! Just check out who visited my studio today! The man of the season himself - Santa! And have you ever seen a more adorable little darling? I can guarantee you she is on Santa's nice list this year!

Once again, how lucky am I to have such treasures in front of my camera lens?!
And how blessed are the family of this little one to have the most precious gift this year under the Christmas tree?

Here's your sneak peek! Hope you enjoy!

Merry Christmas, Tina B

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Cookies and Milk for Santa

Another fun afternoon at Tina B Photography! Little N and his mom and dad came to visit! What a cutie! The chubbiest of cheeks, gorgeous eyes and loves to be in his bare buff! :)

Santa will be over the moon to get these cookies and milk! I just know it!

Here's your sneak peek guys! I hope you enjoy!

Cheers, Tina B

Saturday, November 29, 2014

The Day the Stars Aligned

Don't you just love it when the stars align? That most definitely happened today at Tina B Photography! I woke up this morning to a snowy winter wonderland. Just in time for today's photo shoot with the A family.

What a special privilege to help create some memories for a beautiful couple expecting their first little bundle of joy! I suspect this little one will be loved beyond measure.

Thank you for allowing me a little glimpse of your anticipation.

Here's your sneak peek! Hope you enjoy! There were so many beautiful photos to choose from!

Cheers, Tina B

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Simply a Celebration

Have I ever told you how blessed I am? What a beautiful family I got to spend a little bit of time with today at Tina B Photography!  Let me introduce you to the L family.

Lots of reasons to celebrate today. Little princess A is turning one soon, Christmas is right around the corner and well, it's simply a celebration to be able to experience the joy of a happy and loving family.

Thank you so much for choosing Tina B Photography to help document such joyous moments!

Here's your sneak peek! I hope you enjoy!

Cheers, Tina B

Saturday, October 4, 2014

It's a Beautiful Life

What a gorgeous day in St. John's, Newfoundland! A beautiful fall day for a photo shoot with the B family. We really are blessed here in Newfoundland, you know. I don't think you could find a more beautiful fall palette anywhere else. Nor a more beautiful family than the B family.

Let me introduce you to them!

Mom, Dad and two little cutie pie boys! The fish were scarce, but little B managed to catch one! Wink, wink!

Little boys are indeed a challenge sometimes! Trust me, I know all about it with three of my own! But, no worries mom and dad, I had loads of fun today! I think you did, too.

Hope you enjoy the little sneak peek!

Cheers, Tina B

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Creating Memories

An extended family session with Tina B Photography today!

I have to say, there is nothing better than being a part of helping to create memories with families. This crew was referred to me by a friend and she described them as a fun family and told me that I would enjoy them. She was right!

They were a fun family indeed! Especially the character, Daniel. Check out his photo bomb! The girls are all ready for school with their gorgeous hair colour! And Daniel was not to be outdone!

These kids have been having an awesome summer with their grandparents, but Darlene and her two return to Calgary tomorrow morning. Safe travels Martin family!

I hope you enjoyed your hour at Sunshine Park with Tina B Photography and I hope you enjoy the sneak peek!

Cheers, Tina B

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Adventure is in Store!

Twas a family of five today at Tina B Photography! Meet the Hobbs family! Wow, are they a busy crew! Why, you say? Just take one look and you have your answer. A house full of boys! I can certainly relate having three boys myself.

Boys are special indeed. They don't sit still to have a  tea party or gently wear a sparkly tiara. No way! They climb around, check things out and begrudgingly oblige. 

No worries Amanda and Roger, I wouldn't have it any other way and I'm sure you wouldn't either! Adventures are in store for all of you!

Here's your sneak peek, Hobbs family. Hope you enjoy!

Thank you so much for allowing me to play a small part in your adventure!

Cheers, Tina B

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Cutie Pie Cousins

OH MY GOODNESS! Every time I do a photo shoot I say, "This is the most fun I've ever had during a portrait session."  Each one is more and more fun! I had soooo much fun with these two little cutie pie cousins today during our tea party in the backyard. 

I think they had equally as much fun playing with the spoons, cups and mum mums! I really could have kept shooting and shooting! And how special that their great grandmother came along for the photo shoot. It made the choice of theme for the day just perfect! Lace doilies, tea pots and nanny! 

A little later on after the photo shoot was over and everyone was gone home, two moose walked right through our tea party!! Talk about your photobomb!! Sadly, my card was in my computer uploading photos!

Here's your sneak peek everyone! I think it's absolutely adorable! I hope you agree!

Thank you so much for allowing me the privilege of capturing these special moments when cousins visit.

Cheers, Tina B

Monday, July 21, 2014

Pleased as Lemonade

Oh my gosh! I could not WAIT to see my little subjects this weekend for their portrait session when I heard about the darling outfits they would be wearing. I could just "picture" the cuteness overload! Pun intended! Ha!

And boy, did they deliver! You'll just have to see for yourself.

This was a special portrait session since two of the cousins are visiting from Alberta. Nanny and Poppy requested a photo of all of them together. I think it's safe to say that Nanny and Poppy will be pleased as lemonade!

Take a look!

Here's your sneak peek guys!

Thank you so much for allowing me to help create memories for you. You have no idea what a privilege it is!

Cheers, Tina B

Sunday, July 13, 2014

A Little Snippet

I think today take's the cake for the most fun had in a photo shoot so far! I really should hire a videographer to capture the fun. Today you would have seen Tina B balancing a ball of wool and then a musical toy on top of her head in order to get little C's attention. And then got tangled up in the wool. It was a great laugh!

In all seriousness though, I've been reminded a couple of times this week of the importance of always having your camera with you and of the importance of capturing memories. Life really is fleeting! I can't believe Baby C is over 7 months old already! Treasure those moments. I know you are, Cheryl and Corey.

Thank you again for allowing me to help capture a little snippet of your amazing lives.

Here's your sneak peek! Hope you enjoy!

Tina B

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Daddy's Heart in Her Hands

A precious afternoon indeed at Tina B Photography today. Baby S is the star of the blog! And a star she was! She was asleep when she arrived and slept for pretty much the whole session with the exception of a few minutes right at the end so we could catch a glimpse of her beautiful, sparkling eyes. We couldn't have planned it better if we tried! Of course, when it comes to babies, planning is elusive. You do know they have complete and total control, right? I wonder if Daddy knows that yet? ;) This little darling has complete and total control over your heart, Chris. That was plain to see. I doubt you'll complain about that though.

And Amy, I have to say you are one of the most relaxed Mamas I have ever seen. And it's no wonder, Baby S is a joy! She actually seems totally relaxed herself. That doesn't come all by itself. I believe it is a testament to the wonderful job you're doing as parents. But, was there really any doubt . . .

Thank you so much for the privilege of allowing me to capture these moments today!

Here's your sneak peek! Hope you enjoy!

Cheers, Tina B

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Just Because We Love You, Mom

This afternoon's session with Tina B Photography spoke to me about the love of children for their mother. This handsome duo is Jordan and Kyle. They agreed to do this portrait session for their mom, Karen, as a Mother's Day present. 

I don't know too many young men who are DYING to have their pictures taken on a sunny Saturday afternoon. But they did if for their mom. That speaks volumes in my opinion. I think it's fair to say that you and your hubby have done a great job in raising these two.

I'll continue to look for your advice regarding the challenges of raising boys! :)

Hope you like the sneak peek! It was the fastest portrait session in history. ;)

Cheer! Tina B

You've Come a Long Way, Baby! :)

I was sooo looking forward to today's portrait session. The star of today's blog post is the lovely Kim. Recently convocated social worker, mom to a cutie patootie little girl and all around fun person that anyone would be lucky to know! I can say that because I got to know her for three months while she completed a field placement with my team and I at Mental Health and Addictions.

Kim's parents had requested some photos to commemorate her recent convocation so we definitely did that today. I, of course, saw it as an opportunity to have some fun, too! And Kim was game. Remember those "glamour shots" from the 80s? Well, we've come a long way, baby! It's glamour with a modern twist today!

And a portrait session on location at Tina B Photography is an exotic spot to be! We were even treated to a stroll by a mama and baby moose through the back yard! 

Kim, I know you're going to make an awesome social worker. That was quite obvious during our time we spent together.

Hope you like the sneak peek! 

Tina B

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Happily Ever After

What a gorgeous day in Newfoundland! And well deserved! It's been a long winter. Tina B got to spend part of her day with yet another beautiful family! It's easy to see they are a happy, loving trio. Musical, talented, and an oh so cute 2 year old. The most luminous blue eyes you've ever seen!

It was sooo special to finally meet T! I do believe you've found your happily ever after, Paula!

Thank you for allowing me to photograph your precious family. Believe me, before you know it you'll be looking back at these photos finding it hard to believe that T was ever that little! Cherish every moment. I know you are.

Here's your sneak peek! Couldn't wait to edit a couple of these shots!

Cheers, Tina B

Saturday, May 31, 2014

It's a Small World After All

Another fun afternoon with Tina B Photography! I had the pleasure of photographing the Bennett family today and discovered what a small world it really is. Turns out Eileen used to teach at the elementary school I attended in Brown's Arm. And this family had a close relationship with one of my favourite people in the whole wide world, my Uncle Nelson. I heard stories today of how Uncle Nelson would rock the girls to sleep when they were babies. I, too, experienced that privilege. Uncle Nelson passed away quite some time ago, but what a treat to get to reminisce on a Saturday afternoon in Bowring Park with a beautiful family.

Thank you for the privilege of photographing your family today and allowing me to capture some memories before your daughter heads off to Houston after just convocating!

Here's your sneak peek, Bennett family!

Hope you enjoy!

Tina B

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Be Still My Heart

Be still my heart, indeed . . .
What a fun way to spend a Saturday morning on SUCH a gorgeous day! A couple of hours in Bowring Park with my bestie and her beautiful baby girl. Only she really isn't so little anymore I'm afraid, Taf.  I can't believe what a young woman she has turned into!

It was sooooo enjoyable Taffy! Bailey is beautiful, fun-loving and sweet as pie! I wonder where she gets all that . . . Don't have to look far! She gets it from her beautiful mama and her fun-loving daddy. 

I am truly blessed to have met you 10 years ago. OMG, can you believe it! 10 years! This morning's photo shoot was one more treasured experience I will add to the list. You have no idea what a privilege it is to create beautiful images and hear Bailey's mama say, "Aww!!! I'm gonna cry" when she stops for a moment to drink in the beauty of her child.

I had a terrible time picking out a couple of images for your sneak peek! They're all so beautiful! Hope you enjoy!

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Little Sweeties

Today I had the privilege of photographing two little sweeties! Tiny Baby E and her adorable "big" brother who is almost 5 years old.  Baby E definitely knew something was up because she stayed awake for almost the whole session! And big brother was great entertainment telling his knock knock jokes and about his inventions as a budding scientist. What a perfect little family!

Here's your sneak peek, Megan and Gerard!

Thank you so much for allowing me the privilege of documenting this moment in time for all of you!
Cheers, Tina B

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Sisters and Moms!

Had such a fun morning with two sisters who get to share the experience of motherhood together! And grandma joined in the fun! Here's your sneak peek gals!

Thank you for allowing me the privilege of creating memories for you all! It was such fun and Baby C and Baby P were awesome!

Cheers! Tina B

The Pinksen Family

It's been a fun day with Tina B Photography! Today was Mother's Day Mini Sessions! First up is the Pinksen family. Here's your sneak peek guys!

This is a good looking family indeed! Look out Kara, those boys are gonna be heart breakers! So handsome! And little Eva is a hoot! And it's obvious they love their mom very much. They were soo cooperative and fun to shoot!

Enjoy! :)

Monday, April 7, 2014

You've Come a Long Way, Baby!

Photography has been an interest of mine since I was a teenager. It's one of the rare memories I have of my childhood. I distinctly remember walking around my hometown of Stanhope, Newfoundland, Canada with a camera taking pictures of birds, butterflies and mushrooms growing in the grass. I'm lucky enough to still have some of those first photos and I thought I would share them with you. Hold your breath cause these are gonna take your breath away! :)

This first one is a picture of some trees. I think. Maybe I was going for an artistic look with this one. ;)

And... I'm pretty sure this is the one of the butterfly. Yip. See it? Right there on top of those flowers. Pretty isn't it?!

And one of my first family portraits... Must have used a flash with this one. See that bright spot behind my Dad's head? :)

It's a blast from the past to take a look at these, my first photos. I've learned a lot since then about focus, composition and lighting.  Heck, 4 years ago I didn't know how to turn on my D-SLR! 

No matter, I experience the same pure enjoyment 30 years later every time I turn on my camera and create something beautiful. It's one of my passions. It gets my blood flowing and my creative juices going every single time! What takes you to your happy place?

Cheers! Tina B.

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Finding Her Groove

Had lots of fun this morning with Baby C and her mommy! Boy, she gave us a workout! Up on a chair, down on the floor, switching out blankets and outfits, warming up bottles, changing bum... It was worth every effort! By the end of the session, Baby C had found her groove, was relaxed and happy as a lark! Here's a sneak peek! I couldn't wait to start editing these! Cheers and hope you enjoy!

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Urban Photo Shoot

Two posts in one weekend! Impressive!

I've been wanting to try my hand at an "urban" photo shoot for a while now. Downtown, graffiti, edgy . . . In my travels to work in the morning I noticed these old buildings on Major's Path that were interesting. So, yesterday I took two of my boys along with me to check it out.

I could have spent a whole lot longer there trying out all kinds of poses, but it was freezing! And I had instructed the boys to wear their hoodies instead of their extremely busy winter coats. So we snapped a few shots and off to Tim's to warm up! I'll definitely make another trip there when the weather is warmer.

We also stopped at the playground for a little while and then the ORR overpass at Thorburn Road where I had scouted out some pretty cool graffiti.

I also learned a very valuable lesson, one which I hope I remember the next time I shoot portraits. Always remember to check your camera settings! Mine were still set from my visit to Quidi Vidi Village earlier in the week. Old fishing stages look great in vivid colour, children not so much!

Here are some of my favourite shots!