A Room With a View

A Room With a View
St. John's Harbour

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Bell Island

So, finally we get to Bell Island this past weekend!

We've been meaning to visit all summer given we drive by the ferry twice a day every weekday. My only previous visit was on a child protection matter. My co-worker and I drove to a client's house, did a speedy interview and booted her back to the last ferry of the day. Not much opportunity for sightseeing.

Despite Bell Island being a small island there is plenty to see! I did the jaunt this weekend with my parents, my husband and three boys. There were cool moments and not so cool moments. The boys absolutely loved the ferry ride! Carter and Caelan were so excited they could hardly contain themselves. They were jumping up and down, running from one side of the deck to the other and squealing with delight. Carter, of course, had to ensure that the boat was safe as we were boarding.

Some of the sights that we took in during our 5 hour visit were as follows:

  • A lighthouse built in 1939

  • A Historic Underground Iron Ore Mine and Museum (OK, so we actually only did the mine tour. At the end of the 45 minute underground tour we were all famished! Not to mention emotionally drained from Caelan's crying cause he was hungry, tired and not real impressed with a damp, cold tunnel of rock. One of the not so cool moments.)

  • Sunken ships at Lance Cove Beach and a very cute seal who kept popping his head up and down in the water, for our entertainment I'm sure. I never knew one could get down to a beach on Bell Island. From our standpoint in St. Philip's it looks like nothing but cliff. Along with that came another not so cool moment when Caelan became very upset because he left his toy car on the beach and we couldn't find it. More crying ensued . . .

  • Dick's Fish and Chips for lunch. A welcome sight! I mentioned we were all famished. No unhappy people there!

    Anyway, it was a worthwhile 5 km across the bay and a gorgeous day to boot!



  1. THE most BEAUTIFUL photos I've seen yet!

    LOVE the coal mine photo.
    What are the spec's on the beach photo? GORGEOUS!!!

  2. Hey Sis,
    Thanks!! It was nice to be somewhere new to take pictures.

    The beach photo had an F-Stop of F/5 and a shutter speed of 1/800 sec. ISO of 500 (really didn't need to be that high). I also enhanced it in picnik with the "Lomo-ish" effect.

  3. It was a nice tour made more special by being with our family!
