A Room With a View

A Room With a View
St. John's Harbour

Monday, August 16, 2010


How was your weekend? Mine was OK. I spent a large part of it doing things I prefer not to do on my days off from work. Grocery shopping, school supply shopping, laundry . . .

The things I like to do on the weekend are relax in the sun, have a fire and roast some weiners and marshmallows, laugh with my boys, have a weekly Terry and Tina BBQ . . . You know, the stuff of which vacations are made. A photo shoot every now and then can be a fun thing, too. This past weekend I did a family photo shoot out at Manuel's River. It was photography and a workout all in one since we had to jump some rocks and falls to get to the other side where the sun was in a much more favourable position. Pictures to follow of that shoot when I finish having fun with the editing.

How do you like to spend your weekends?

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