A Room With a View

A Room With a View
St. John's Harbour

Friday, August 27, 2010

A Warm Place to Be

I thought today I would write about Newfoundland. Given hurricane Danielle and tropical storm Earl I've been caused to think about how fortunate we are weatherwise here in Newfoundland. Now back in the spring of this year I wouldn't have said that since we had one of the wettest springs ever. But when I think about hurricane force winds, flooding and the resulting damage, we are indeed fortunate. What's a bit of fog and rain? What's the worst that can happen with a snow storm? We get enough snow to cover in our doors and we can't get outside for a day or two? Not such a bad thing is it? Light the fireplace, get a cup of tea and curl up on the couch with a blanket and watch the wind whip up the pure white snow outside, knowing that you're safe and warm. OK, I think I better stop talking about snow!

My point is we have a lot to be thankful for if we have a roof over our head, a warm place to be and people who love us. I look forward again to being able to spend the weekend with my family. Hope you enjoy yours!

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