A Room With a View

A Room With a View
St. John's Harbour

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Reaching Out

Time to pull out the big guns, so to speak. The photo above is a shot of my friend and previous co-worker, Melanie and her daughter, Maria. Melanie asked me if I would be interested in doing a photo shoot with her in order to enter it in the 2009 World Ostomy Day Photo Contest sponsored by Hollister Incorporated. Of course, I was delighted and jumped at the chance. Twenty photos were selected worldwide. The contest theme was "Reaching Out," showcasing living life to the fullest. Having taken a winning photo meant that the local chapter of the Ostomy Association was given a cash award of $250.


I was absolutely thrilled to do this photo shoot, to win $250 for the NL chapter and to be one of twenty photos chosen worldwide. And then to have my picture published in the 2010 Hollister calendar and in the Ostomy Canada magazine. (Nothing like blowing your own horn right?)

You can check out the calendar here, download it and print it off. (You know I have! lol)


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