A Room With a View

A Room With a View
St. John's Harbour

Sunday, July 25, 2010

If I were to choose only one word to describe my oldest, Cody, it would be sensitive. It was evident that he was a sensitive little one from a very young age and he still is at the age of 10.

There are a lot of things about Cody that make me proud. Most of the time he's a wonderful big brother. He's very good at sports of all kinds. Hockey, basketball, soccer . . . He's a great reader and does well in school. He's a loving boy, too. He can be seen frequently giving Mom and Dad hugs and kisses.

As of late he has taken on some of his parents' interests. He is interested in photography and went with me yesterday on the worldwide photography walk and got some great shots. He's also becoming quite the entrepreneur. Making posters to promote his photography, setting up a yard sale to sell some of his old toys, reminding Mom and Dad that we owe him for chores completed . . .

Here are some of Cody's shots from yesterday's photowalk.


  1. That's our Cody and we are soooo proud of him.
    Good job with the photos you took yesterday Cody! You sure are Nan's man!

  2. Tina You are so good at the things you do. You are a beautiful daughter, a wonderful mom. The husband part I'll leave to Terry. You're really good at you photography and you know I'm very proud of you.
