A Room With a View

A Room With a View
St. John's Harbour

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Newfoundland Beauty

In an earlier blog I alluded to a couple of excursions I've been on recently with my husband. I'd like to tell you about our adventure in Gros Morne a couple of weeks ago. Aided by some photos of beautiful scenery of course!
I'm ashamed to say this, but I've been married to my handsome husband for 11 years this month and just this year is the first time we have spent time away by ourselves without the kids. Long overdue! Take my advice. If you're a couple and haven't done so, spend lots of time with your partner just being yourselves.So we set out for a 4 night stay in Rocky Harbour after dropping the kids off at Nanny and Poppy's in Stanhope immediately noticing the blessed quietness in the van! Quiet is not a description of our home or our kids. They are very active, typical little boys who like to wrestle and shoot each other with water guns. Back to the quiet.Driving from Stanhope to Rocky Harbour was about a 3 and a half hour jaunt. How beautiful was the scenery when we got to Gros Morne! A little unnerving to see a highway sign that warned us to test our brakes. I once heard a description of the Gros Morne experience as "you don't even know you're in Newfoundland." I'd like to change that description to "you don't even realize what beauty Newfoundland has to offer." I was in awe!When we got to Gros Morne RV Park we got started setting up camp. Did I mention we were sleeping in a tent for 4 nights? It really was OK. We had a little rain one night and a LOT of wind. I must admit I thought the tent might fall down on us that night and was planning in my head for the worst case scenario. We survived the night just fine I'm happy to report.On Friday we drove to Cow Head to take in the Lobster Festival. We hiked 45 minutes to see a lighthouse before lunch. Terry warned me it was probably a little lighthouse, not much to see. He was kind of right. Just the same, I did appreciate it's history and own special kind of beauty.
After lunch we took in some of the theatre festival at the local museum. As always I am never surprised by the talent of Newfoundlanders. The show was enjoyed by all including people from Texas, Maryland and Ontario. We also drove north a little further and saw the natural sea arches.
After the show we enjoyed a lobster dinner at the Anglican church hall. We ate with two couples from Maryland who couldn't quite figure out what the yellow salad was. They queried whether or not it was made of egg yolks. When I informed them it was mustard salad, they appeared a little hesitant but tried it out and liked it. They also liked the bakeapple and partridgeberry jam, the molasses tea buns and the homemade bread.
On Saturday we had reservations for the Western Brook Pond boat tour. Now this is where majesty is! High as the sky mountains, magnificent waterfalls and crystal clear water. I was in awe indeed and even got a little emotional at the grandeur of it all.
To say the least, Gros Morne and other parts of Newfoundland are taken for granted by some of us Newfoundlanders. I remember as a kid taking my hometown for granted only to go back home as an adult and see for the first time it's beauty. I think it's high time we opened our eyes and perhaps really saw our province for the first time. And do it with someone you love!

1 comment:

  1. I agree, we are so blessed to live where we do, and most people don't even realize it. Some beautiful shots you have there!
    You had fun?? So did nanny & poppy Ball. When did you say you were going again?? Hahahaha
