A Room With a View

A Room With a View
St. John's Harbour

Thursday, July 15, 2010

My Number One Fan!

So, today I wanna talk about followers or fans of my photography. Having other people enjoy my photography is one of the bonuses of taking pictures. After all, attention is a vital form of psychological nutrition. (Sorry, I had to slip that "social worky" thing in there)! Of course, what matters most is that I get personal satisfaction and fulfillment out of my photography. Like I said, the fans are bonuses. Some of my favourite fans are those closest to me. Let me tell you about them.

My sisters. I can always count on some positive feedback from them. It's also a passion I have in common with them. My youngest sister is a fantastic photographer as well. (I think it's the creative gene we inherited from our mother). Pam never fails to be interested in my photos and shares my enthusiasm for photography. That's why when we entered the same photography contest this past Christmas and she was one of the winners, I was just as happy and excited for her as I would have been if I had won. We celebrate each others successes. (No tears, Pam). My middle sister, Vicky, is also involved in the world of photography. Vicky never liked having her picture taken before she married her husband. Ironic that she married a photojournalist who takes his camera everywhere. I've seen some beautiful shots of my sister in the last few years. And since my niece came along I've seen lots of beautiful pictures that were taken by her mom. Funny how having a child brings out the camera.

My parents. They both also have a love of photography and are soooo supportive and interested in my photos. In fact, Dad can be seen a lot of times with his own camera attached to the hip! Thanks Mom and Dad for being on the top of my fan list! Your comments about my photography are ones that I always look forward to hearing or reading.

My boys are also fans of Mom's photography and of photography in general. Carter and Caelan love to pose for the camera and immediately ask, "Can I see it, Mommy?" after having their picture taken. Thank goodness for the digital age! And Cody has entered photo contests right along with Mommy. Just recently he has developed a flyer that he wants to distribute around the neighbourhood so that he can take pictures and get paid for it. :) Maybe a budding photographer?

Now on to my number one fan. My husband is my number one fan. He's a man of few words, but his pride is evident. We have been on several excursions recently where he has displayed such patience. I inevitably have my camera with me and say, "Oh! Stop here!" "Wait! Go back!" He does so willingly every time. When my picture was featured in the Downtown St. John's calendar he was the one I wanted at my side for the celebrations at Yellow Belly. He is the first person I called when I was one of the winners in the World Ostomy Photo Contest. He is the one who researched and shopped for the best of the best in camera equipment when my abilities improved and I became disappointed with the capabilities of my point and shoot. After 11 years of marriage he has become my BFF and the most important person with whom I want to share my photography. Thank you honey!

And thank you to all of my followers! I have great psychological nutrition thanks to you!

1 comment:

  1. Very well put. Sounds like you have a lot of love and support. It not only sounds like it, I know it to be true. Mom is proud of you!
