A Room With a View

A Room With a View
St. John's Harbour

Monday, July 26, 2010


The last man to write about in my little family is my husband, Terry.

Terry is my tall, dark and handsome husband of 11 years. Our 11th anniversary is coming up on July 31st. I feel fortunate to be able to say that after 11 years of marriage we are closer than ever and more in love.

How would I describe Terry? He is pretty quiet and doesn't generally talk much, unless of course you're talking about two of his favourite subjects, investments and cars. Terry is a hard working husband and father. He does a fabulous job at providing for his family. He's not the traditional husband who sees the home as "woman's work." He pitches in and helps in every way he can whether that's laundry or cooking or washing dishes.

Terry is loving, supportive, brave, protective, a comedian, a family man and a man I am proud to have as my husband and the father of our beautiful boys.

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