A Room With a View

A Room With a View
St. John's Harbour

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Musings on a Muggy Day

It's 30something degrees for the 3rd or 4th day in Newfoundland. Amazing what the weather does to a person! I'm drained of energy, cranky and irritable. And I have a self-inflicted sunburn that is causing me pain. One of the things that Moms do - we put sunscreen on our kids and fail to take care of ourselves. Yet I managed to find the energy to put my heavy camera bag in my car this morning. A friend/family member and an article I read once spoke of always bringing your camera with you wherever you go. A good practice indeed. Many a photo opportunity I have missed by not following that practice.

I remember one particular morning when I didn't bring my camera with me. It was a calm morning with not a draft of wind (unusual for St. John's, Newfoundland). I drove by a pond and caught a glimpse of a perfect reflection in the water. That particular morning and its conditions will never be again. Sure, there will be other calm mornings, but not one exactly like that day. Lesson learned. :) Another evening previous to that I was driving and witnessed a beautiful, on-fire harvest moon. Oh to have had a camera and a tripod! I haven't seen a moon like that one since.

Like this picture of my little Timbits . . . Had I not had my camera, I could not have felt, touched or loved this moment in quite the same way. Anyone who knows me well knows my bad memory. (Thanks Dad!) I would surely have forgotten this moment of cuteness. Now I can remember it forever.

1 comment:

  1. Another great picture you have captured here! Our little Timbits are soooo sweet, even without my cappuccino that I love so much!! Hahahaha
